
Transforming Lives Through Love and Community

YWAM Training is all about learning what it means to be a genuine disciple of God, hearing his voice, walking out your calling, and using your passions to make a difference. At Pneuma Springs, we not only train the next generation Christians for world missions, but also help this generation finish their race well.

YWAM 훈련은 진정한 하나님의 제자가 되는 것이 무엇인지 배우고, 그의 음성을 듣고, 우리의 부르심을  실천하고, 열정을 가지고 변화를 만들기 위한 훈련입니다.  
성령의 샘에서는 세계 선교를 위해 다음 세대 크리스천들을 훈련시킬 뿐만 아니라 이 세대가 경주를 잘 마칠 수 있도록 돕습니다.


Teachings and Studies by Missionary David E. Ross


Do you want to know God more and make Him known more? Is your heart passionate about missions either abroad or where you are now? Do you believe in community as an essential component for missions since it is the context in which we learn to build relationships and practice God’s love? MCT is for you.

Pneuma Springs is a place of worship, prayer and fellowship. This is a place where there is rest, restoration and refreshment. I love to worship God and pray for the nations with this community every day.”

”성령의 샘은 예배, 기도, 교제가 있는 곳입니다. 쉼이 있고 회복이 있고 새로워짐이 있는 곳입니다. 매일 이 공동체와 함께 하나님을 예배하고 열방을 위해 기도하는 것이 참 좋습니다.
— Staff

We invite you to a journey where you experience the revelation of the Word and the power of the Spring that flows from the Holy Spirit where you will encounter God, who works in and through all nations. You will learn God’s original design for your life and your calling as Jesus’ disciple.

The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. God took off my rags and when I stood naked before Him, He washed me with His blood and clothed me with new clothing!”

”이전 것은 지나갔으니 보라 새 것이 되었도다. 하나님은 제 누더기를 벗기시고, 제가 그 분 앞에 벌거벗었을 때 예수의 피로 저를 씻겨 새 옷을 입혀 주셨습니다.
— Student

DBS is 12 weeks of studying the word of God. Observe historical context, chronology of biblical events, learn who and why it was written and understand the purpose of each book. Because of the intensive nature of this school, it is a prerequisite that a DTS be completed before commencing the DBS.

Through DBS, I experienced Jesus entering my life through His Word in a deep way. It was a time of joy and gratitude.”

”DBS는 예수님이 말씀을 통해 나의 삶에 깊이 다가오시는 기쁨과 감사의 시간이었습니다.
— Student



“Diaspora” is a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale. Historically, the word diaspora was used to refer to the mass dispersion of a population from its indigenous territories, specifically the dispersion of Jews. Whilst the word was originally used to describe the forced displacement of certain peoples, "diasporas" is now generally used to describe those who identify with a "homeland", but live outside of it.”


Our Community Events


TUESDAY Night Community Worship

We welcome you to join us for our weekly Tuesday Night Meetings! Our desire is to have a place where people come from the local community and pursue Jesus together. Each week, we have the opportunity to worship together and hear from different speakers from this base and from all over the world. We want this to be a safe place to come and find rest in God’s presence, to worship Him for what He is doing in our lives, and to be inspired and encouraged in our walk with him.

매주 화요일마다 지역사회와 함께하는 예배에 여러분을 환영합니다! 우리의 소망은 지역사회에서 사람들이 함께 모여 예수님을 예배하는 것입니다. 매주 우리는 함께 예배하고 전 세계에서 온 다양한 스피커들의 말씀을 들을 수 있는 기회를 가집니다. 우리는 이 곳이 하나님의 임재 안에서 안식을 찾고, 하나님이 우리 삶에서 행하시는 일들로 인해 하나님을 예배하고, 하나님과 함께 걷는 여정가운데 감동과 격려를 받을 수 있는 안전한 장소가 되기를 원합니다.


144 Worship


We invite you to a consecutive 144 hours of worship and prayer.

We will focus on praying for revival in America and New Korea. Worship is bilingual, in Korean and English

144시간 연속예배에 여러분을 초청 합니다.

1시간이던 10시간이던 미국의 부흥과 뉴코리아를 위해 예배하고 기도하기 원합니다.


New Korea Servant Retreat

If you are interested in God’s restoration of Korea and what He is doing in North Korea to accomplish it, we want to invite you to this retreat, where we will gather together with people who have been working in and around the nation of Korea and learn to know God’s heart for the nation and how we can be His servants.  

Retreat is bilingual, in both Korean and English

Fee: $400, including food and lodging, if registered at least one month in advance

$450 if registered less than one month in advance

Fee for field workers: $250 in advance, $300 if less than one month in advance

코리아의 회복과 그것을 위해 하나님이 북한에서 무엇을 하고 계신지에 관심이 있는 여러분을 이 수양회에 초청합니다.  이 기간동안 코리아(북한 포함) 에서 일해오신 분들과 함께 모여, 그 나라를 향한 하나님의 마음을 배우고 우리가 어떻게 그분의 종이 되어 섬길 수 있는지 나눌 것입니다.

That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. --1 John 1:3



Transforming Lives Through Love and Community 
